What are the rules for using the library?


For information about acceptable library use, see the Library User Protocol below. To see the library's rules on borrowing materials, see the Borrowing Rules linked below (under revision). 


Position Statement

The Library and Learning Commons is a resource centre and study space provided for the benefit of the entire College. Our protocols are in­tended to allow everyone to make use of its facilities and resources, while balancing the need to maintain an atmosphere conducive to academic work and study. The protocols are put in place to allow all users to enjoy what the library offers without any barriers.

We hope to cultivate a collaborative space of learning while maintaining a friendly, social, and welcoming atmosphere. In order to support this learning environment, the library staff may request that any person in conflict with the following protocols leave the library.

Food and Drink

Food is allowed in the library! We understand how important it is to keep your energy up when studying – we only ask that you refrain from eating large, messy meals (like spaghetti!). Drinks with lids are allowed as well.


We want everyone to have a quiet and peaceful study environment. You can talk quietly in most areas of the library, but please keep all noise to a minimum in the Silent Study Hall and Silent Study Rooms. Also, please be considerate of others and use headphones when listening to music or taking phone calls. If you are unsure of where the Silent Study areas are located, you can review the map near the front entrance or see the zone signage placed throughout the library.

Computer Use and Printing:

We have computers with internet access and Microsoft Office 365 products available for you to use. Our printers are here for you to print your assignments, research results, or resumés. We have colour printing too! Just be mindful of your printing activities to avoid paper waste.

Library Classroom:

Our library classroom is primarily used by Library & Learning Centre staff to provide instruction or to run workshops, but it's also available for students to request as shared group study space. If you're interested in using the classroom, please book it through the Library Help Desk.

Study Rooms:

We have 10 Group Study Rooms available for you to book online or at the Library Help Desk. Each group can use the room for up to 2 hours per day, and there must be at least 2 people in the group. Please be respectful of your fellow students and don't exceed the time limit. If you're found to be using a room you haven't reserved or have exceeded your time limit, you may be asked to leave.


We welcome children in the library, however, they must be accompanied by an adult at all times. We have children's books and coloring pages available for them to enjoy.

Provision of Office Supplies and Office Equipment to Students:

We have hole punches, scissors, pencil sharpeners, and staplers available for your use.

Vandalism and Theft:

We take vandalism and theft very seriously, and anyone found responsible will be held accountable under the Code of Conduct Policy.

Personal Property:

Please keep an eye on your personal belongings while you visit the library, as library staff are not responsible for any lost or stolen items.


Thanks for reading! If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask one of our friendly staff members at the Library Help Desk.

  • Last Updated Nov 13, 2024
  • Views 410
  • Answered By Marnie Seal

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